How to respond to a salary increase (with sample responses)

Salaries Career tips Compensation and benefits Article
  1. Consider the offer 
  2. Assess your market value
  3. Express your gratitude
  4. Seek clarification
  5. Show commitment 
  6. Keep it professional
Congratulations - you’ve scored yourself a pay rise!  As an employee, a salary increase can be a symbol of the contributions and value that you bring to your organisation. That said, navigating a salary increase can be tricky terrain - you might be unsure how to respond to the news, you might be unsure how to negotiate, or you might be unsure about the pay rise itself.    Knowing how to respond both professionally and strategically is critical to leveraging the opportunity effectively. If you’ve ever wondered, “how do you respond to a salary increase?”, this article is for you! Join us as we explore the tips, tricks and trusted templates that can maximise your response to a salary increase. Considerations The topic of salary attracts great depth of thought from employees and employers alike. With emotions often running high, it’s important that any dialogue with your employer remains considered, calm and professional.  Nicole Gorton, workplace expert and director at Robert Half believes that an employee’s conscious efforts should not stop at the pay rise itself. “Over time, many professionals have asked me, ‘how do you respond to a salary increase?’ It’s always a good sign that employees are attuned to the importance of these responses.” She says, “I firmly believe that one’s response goes a long way in optimising their opportunities now and in the future. It could absolutely make or break their negotiating power as well as possibilities for further salary increases.” There are many factors to consider when responding to a salary increase (or an initial salary offer for that matter). Below is a guide for optimising your response:  Consider the offer At Robert Half, we consult with many professionals asking, “how do you respond to a salary increase?” We firmly believe that before you can even draft a response, you must be clear on the details.  Regardless of whether you’re receiving a salary increase offer or, a salary offer for a new position, be sure to afford yourself time to reflect before providing a response. Instead of responding immediately, consider all of the components within the remuneration package including: salary, benefits, bonuses and superannuation. Knowledge is power - you should only accept the offer or initiate negotiations after you have reviewed and digested all of the relevant information. Related: How to ask about the salary in a job interview   Assess your market value Undertake your own research and consider how your salary offer fits in the context of the wider market. The Robert Half Salary Guide offers comprehensive salary data and insights to help you determine whether your offer is within the market range for your experience and position level. If the offer is below the market averages or, if you feel you are worth more, it’s important to justify this to your present or prospective employer.  Evidence based data can provide valuable context for a) determining the adequacy of the increase and b) ongoing negotiations.  Related: How to discuss a salary hike with your manager   Express your gratitude Start your response by expressing sincere thanks and appreciation for your salary increase. Acknowledge the organisation’s recognition of your hard work and contributions, and express your gratitude for the associated opportunities.  Acknowledging the salary increase in a positive and enthusiastic manner affirms your readiness to continue contributing to the organisation’s success.  While your employer (or future employer) may know that you are grateful, it’s always nice to highlight in writing how much the increase means to you.    Seek Clarification It’s pivotal that you completely understand the details of your offer. If you’ve received a letter of offer, be sure to read it carefully, taking note of the amount, the effective date, as well as any special conditions or additional responsibilities.  If any of these details are not made clear to you initially, or, if you are left with any other questions, seek clarification from your employer or HR representative. These details will go a long way in helping you to make an informed decision about your future.  Don’t be afraid to ask questions if needed!    Show Commitment  Emphasising your commitment to maintaining high performance standards is crucial when responding to a salary increase.  Affirming that you have a plan around your ongoing performance will certainly help your company to feel justified in their decision to issue a salary increase. Make a point of including any plans for professional development or, specific contributions to the company’s success.  If you feel that your salary increase requires further discission or negotiations, it is still important to highlight your personal commitment to your work. This can be done by highlighting your achievements, outlining your professional growth and emphasising your future value.  If you want to be considered for our latest job listings, upload your resume to receive AI matched job recommendation emails   Keep it professional Whether you want express gratitude for a salary increase or, invite further conversation around it, it’s important to be ever mindful of the manner in which you communicate.  A well-articulated email can be instrumental in proving that a pay rise is justified or, that your value actually surpasses your organisation’s offer. Professionalism is key, so lean into being a thoughtful and respectful communicator. Focus on being confident yet concise, assertive but not aggressive.  Whether you are communicating in person or via email, remember that tone is paramount. Imagine a range of different scenarios (both positive and negative) and rehearse the interpersonal interactions to avoid being caught off guard. Similarly, be sure to proofread any emails before sending them so you can tweak your response accordingly.  Keep the tone of any interaction polite and positive and be sure to avoid the classic pitfalls that could jeopardise your chances of future success.  Related: How to justify a pay rise   What to Avoid If you’re wondering, “how do you respond to a salary increase?”, take some time to also consider the ways in which you should not respond.  Below are some of the top mistakes that people make when responding to a salary increase offer and/or further salary negotiations: Not responding at all – it demonstrates a lack of enthusiasm and a lack of awareness regarding the salary change.  Reacting emotionally – while salary increases (and negotiations) can trigger an emotional reaction, don’t let these emotions dictate your response. Pause and proceed with thoughtful communication.  Forgetting manners – gratitude is golden.  Using ultimatums – it comes across as aggressive and jeopardises your opportunities. Ignoring feedback – remember this is a two-way conversation that requires active listening. Being too rigid – collaboration is key and negotiations are about give and take. Being unprepared – it makes it difficult for you to make a compelling case. Being rude in an attempt to be assertive – don’t burn your bridges. Making it all about money – don’t imply that money is your sole motivator. Acknowledge the importance of opportunity and experience as well. Related: How does inflation affect employees​’​ salaries?   Winning Templates If you’re unsure about how to respond to a salary increase, our tried and tested email templates can get you started.  Below are two templates to help you tackle two common scenarios: 
    Responding to a salary increase with thanks and, 
    responding to a salary increase with an invitation for further dialogue.
  Response A Dear (manager name),  Thank you so much for the salary increase of (amount) that will take effect on (effective date). I am truly grateful for the opportunities you have afforded me during my time at (company name).  I sincerely appreciate your trust and confidence in me - I am honoured that I can continue contributing to the success of the company. As a determined, hard-working individual, I am prepared to take on the additional responsibilities that come with this salary increase. Rest assured, I will endeavour to meet and exceed all expectations.   Thank you again for this opportunity. I look forward to this new chapter of mutual growth and development.  Sincerely, (Your name)   Response B Dear (manager name),  Thank you so much for your recent salary increase of (amount). I sincerely appreciate your trust and confidence in me - I am honoured that I can continue contributing to the success of the company. After careful consideration I would like to request a higher salary of (proposed amount).  My research has shown that the average salary for comparable positions with my experience is around (market salary range). Therefore, I would like to propose an increase to the salary offer to (desired salary) to align with my skills, experience and the requirements of my role. Please advise if you are available to discuss my salary and, whether there is any flexibility regarding the salary range. Thank you for your time and consideration - I am truly grateful for all the opportunities you have afforded me during my time at (company name). I look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely, (Your name)   Related: How to negotiate a higher salary offer via email (sample included)   One of the most popular queries we receive at Robert Half is, “how do you respond to a salary increase?” While many factors need to be considered when composing a response, it is essential that consideration and composure stay front of mind. It can’t be disputed that salary increases trigger a range of emotions but, it doesn’t mean they need to get in the way of career success.  By remaining polite and professional, you can articulate a powerful response that’s sure to get attention for all the right reasons.  Looking for advice on how to find a job or move your career forward? Check out Robert Half’s dedicated Career Advice Page Find new opportunities faster with Robert Half’s dedicated Jobseeker page