Salaries, skills and workforce trends

From salaries to skills, find out what’s driving today’s workforce trends and get exclusive insights to help you win the competition for talent and jobs.

Why paying a competitive salary is important

Find out why a competitive salary shows your investment in your staff. Learn why low salaries are a false economy. Explore the benefits of seeing your employees as assets, not an expense. Read this article now

How to ask about the salary in a job interview

Learn more about when is the right time to bring up salaries during an interview. Find out how to prepare the right numbers beforehand. Discover key tips for salary negotiation. Read this article now

More salary insights

Subscribe to updates 2024 Salary Guide Unlock salary ranges and market insights across finance, accounting, and technology roles in New Zealand with our 2024 Robert Half Salary Guide. Download now. Hiring advice Research and insights How to choose between two candidates for a job Stuck on how to choose between two candidates for a job? We've got you covered. Learn 5 effective strategies for making an informed decision, including structured interviewing & assessing cultural fit. Discover how to hire the perfect candidate today. How to discuss a salary hike with your manager Regardless of where you are in your career, salary negotiations are often a difficult subject to broach. Here is how to discuss a salary hike with your manager. The high cost of low salaries: why paying a competitive salary is important Paying a competitive salary is crucial for companies wishing to recruit and retain top talent. How to do salary benchmarking: Tips to help you attract and retain talent Learn how to do salary benchmarking for your organisation, with tips that can help you save time, money and effort. How to ask about the salary in a job interview Learn how to ask and have a discussion about the salary in a job interview. The high cost of low salaries: why paying a competitive salary is important Paying a competitive salary is crucial for companies wishing to recruit and retain top talent. Accepting a job offer Accepting a job offer that gives you career progression and opportunities for growth allows you to explore exciting new horizons. Why you should never accept a counteroffer Companies are always keen to hold onto their top employees, so don’t be surprised if your resignation is followed by a counteroffer. How to decline a job offer Before you rush in to accept a new job offer, it’s worth asking yourself if it’s really what you are looking for.

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