Two routes into tech

Here are two routes aspiring graduates could take to get a career in tech.

  1. First, they could use their degree to start a graduate role in a business and move towards a technology role. It’s far easier to move in a particular direction once they are inside the company. People who work in business analysis, for example, often come from a general business background. They develop strong working relationships and gain an understanding of the technology platforms along the way. They can bridge the technical and analytical elements of a business and translate those well to others. Their skills are also widely applicable, from data mining to artificial intelligence; not everyone has to be a coding expert.
  2. Secondly, graduates could find an internship in technology and focus on gathering knowledge. As they work with a business, or with multiple businesses, they could take online certifications to enhance their understanding and employability. It’s also important they consider networking. Events and meetups are common in the tech sector, and a graduate might meet someone with years of experience, who can advise them, for example. People buy from people, and they can begin to create their own luck. They might even become aware of roles before they hit the open market.

In either case, employers will be interested in their transferable skills. Communication style, project management experience, and even curiosity and showing initiative, are good examples. They can also stand out from others by filming a video on YouTube or taking part in a podcast episode. Businesses will often hire for potential and much of that is based on attitude and soft skills. In the tech sector, businesses are increasingly looking for well-rounded candidates.

When they do get to interview, either for a graduate role or an internship, we would invite them to consider this scenario: imagine they are being interviewed alongside three other people. This will help them to think about what they are good at, their transferable skills, and how they can differentiate themselves. Their ability to package and sell their skills and experience will make all the difference when the right opportunity comes along.