The following plan outlines Robert Half Canada’s hereinafter (“Robert Half” or “Company” or “Robert Half Canada”) commitment to adhering to accessibility regulation requirements. Specific actions are indicated below. Committee plan minutes and statuses will be made available and in an accessible format when requested.
1. Our Commitment
In fulfilling our mission, Robert Half Canada strives at all times to provide services in a way that respects the dignity and independence of people with disabilities. We are committed to giving people with disabilities the same opportunity to access our services and allowing them to benefit from the same services, in the same place and in a similar way as other customers.
2. Accessibility Plan and Policies
Robert Half’s accessibility policies specific to customer service are available through the following means:
Internally posted in each Ontario branch office for employee and public viewing
Provided to all new hires
Provided to the public via our Robert Half Canada website
Robert Half’s Accessibility Plan is available to all employees and the public upon request by contacting:
Robert Half Canada
181 Bay Street; Suite #820
Toronto, Ont.
M5J 2T3
Fax: (866) 368-0581
3. Accessible Emergency Information
Robert Half is committed to protecting the health and safety of employees and customers and to providing a safe workplace. In support of this commitment, we have developed a health and safety program for all employees to participate in that is available for review in an accessible way upon request. Upon request, we will develop individualized emergency plans and information for employees with disabilities.
Robert Half will take the following steps so emergency information is available:
Current safety program posted on internal internet and available in accessible format upon request
Partner with disabled employee(s) to enhance or tailor current safety program and procedures, as well as provide them with an accessible format or communication support aid upon request
New employee orientation to include discussion of health and safety policies and procedures informing employees what they need to know to perform their initial job assignments safely
Review health and safety program yearly and update as necessary to maintain compliance with current regulations or when any barriers are identified:
Annually remind employees to read and review current program, policies, and procedures required under the Occupation Health and Safety Regulations as well as internal employment policies
Review safety committee roles and responsibilities as well as provide first aid training and maintain required safety supplies
4. Training for Staff
Robert Half will provide training to all employees, volunteers, contingent workers or vendors; or anyone, acting on our behalf, who provides goods, services or facilities to customers and all those who are involved in the development and approvals of customer service policies, practices and procedures. The amount and format of training will be tailored to suit each person’s interactions with the public and his or her involvement in the development of policies, procedures and practices pertaining to the provision of goods and services. The content of the training will include:
the requirements of the Ontario Human Rights Code
the requirements of the Accessibility Standards for Customer Service (Ontario Regulation 429/07) including the Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulation
instruction on Robert Half’s policies, procedures and practices pertaining to the provision of goods and services with disabilities
Training will be provided as soon as practicable upon an individual being assigned the applicable duties as well as on an ongoing basis as changes occur to Robert Half’s policies, procedures and practices governing the provision of goods or services to persons with disabilities. Robert Half will keep records of the training provided under this section, which will include dates the training occurred and number of individuals trained.
Robert Half also provides a portfolio of learning opportunities in support of the Company’s commitment to continued growth and development provided through alliances with outside training providers, online training resources, instructor-led classroom training, on the job training and specialized external training.
5. Potential Candidate Designated Testing Areas (Kiosks)
Robert Half is aware of the Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulation (ISAR) requiring private organizations to include accessibility features in self-service kiosks they design or build. The Company has created potential candidate applications and/or testing on our online platforms in an accessible way. These applications and/or tests do not need to be completed in person at a Company office. The Company has computer stations accessible to potential candidates for applications and/or testing to meet candidate need upon request.
6. Information and Communications
Robert Half has adopted an open-door policy that encourages dialogue between the Company and its employees at all times. Individuals can seek resolution to any concerns or discuss any need or issue without fear of reprisal with any supervisor or manager with whom they are comfortable speaking with. To assist with communications internally and externally, Robert Half has communication policies to foster new opportunities for collaboration and “Ethics First” guides our interactions with employees and the public regardless of their Prohibited Ground outlined in the Human Rights legislation. The following addresses communication needs that may arise:
a. Feedback
Robert Half is committed to providing quality services to all members of the public it serves. Feedback from the public is welcome as it may identify areas that require change and encourage continuous service improvements. Feedback from a member of the public about the delivery of services to customers with disabilities may be given by the following accessible formats: by telephone, in person, in writing, or in electronic format, on request, to:
Robert Half Canada
181 Bay Street; Suite #820
Toronto, Ont.
M5J 2T3
Fax: (866) 368-0581
Robert Half
Attn: HR Compliance
2613 Camino Ramon
San Ramon, CA USA 94583
Fax: (925) 394-5109
Robert Half will adhere to the accessible feedback requirements when requesting feedback on employment or services from employees or the public by:
Posting procedures on how to provide feedback on internal and external websites
Post feedback procedure in all locations
Provide alternate ways to collect feedback such as electronic, written, or oral interviews utilizing communication support when identified or accommodation known as needed.
b. Accessible Formats and Communication including Resource and Training Materials
Robert Half is committed to meeting the communication needs of all individuals. The Company will partner with individuals to address their specific needs and provide alternate formats when possible. In preparation for ongoing compliance with regulations, Robert Half will take the following actions to prevent potential barriers that would make it difficult for someone with a disability to read, see, hear or understand:
Establish an Enterprise Communication Services Committee including representatives from departments responsible for the development and implementation of information, communication and training materials to check for accessibility or alternative communication supports.
Identify items that may be difficult to convert to accessible format and create plan for either refreshing materials or identify what type of support may be necessary to relay the information should a need arise.
Identify any current training programs or online courses that are not readily accessible.
Committee and Robert Half’s internal Purchasing Department to partner with any outside vendors to provide appropriate supports as necessary.
c. Websites and Content
Robert Half will make websites and web content accessible to a broad range of users with disabilities in accordance with the WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines). Ongoing compliance will be maintained in the following ways:
Establish an Enterprise Information Technology Committee including representatives from departments responsible for the development and implementation of web content on internal and external web sites.
Identify content that may be difficult to convert to accessible format and create plan for either refreshing content or identify what type of support may be necessary to relay the information should a need arise
Committee and Robert Half’s internal Purchasing Department to partner with any outside vendors to provide appropriate supports as necessary.
Review current WCAG requirements and determine if current websites, operational systems, browsers or other information technology fails to work with assistive technologies.
Create list of any unsupported items and work directly with Robert Half’s Information Technology Organization to develop an action and implementation plan to bring items into compliance
Create multi-year plan between 2015-2025 to conform with guidelines starting with Level A and progressing to Level AA by 2025
Notice of Temporary Disruption
Temporary disruptions in Robert Half’s services and facilities may occur due to reasons that may or may not be within Robert Half’s control or knowledge. Therefore, Robert Half will make reasonable efforts to provide notice of planned disruptions if possible, recognizing that in some circumstances such as in the situation of unplanned temporary disruptions, advance notice may not be possible. When possible, Robert Half will make reasonable efforts to provide customers with notice in the event of a planned or unexpected disruption in the facilities or services usually used by people with disabilities. This notice will include information about the reason for the disruption, its anticipated duration, and a description of alternative facilities or services, if available. The notice will be placed at all public entrances or reception counters on our premises.
For services managed by property owners or property management/facility services, disruption notices, including but not limited to the following services: elevators, escalators, automatic doors, accessible washrooms and accessible parking, will be posted at the entrance of each facility. We will notify the public of the property owner’s resolution of disruption with an updated notification for our facility.
7. Employment:
Robert Half is built on powerful principles to attract talent, give them the tools to excel, and provide opportunities for career advancement and reward outstanding performance. Through Robert Half Learning, employees can find Company-specific training materials, resources, tips and tools devoted to supporting development of individual skills and competencies.
Robert Half is known as the industry’s leading employer of choice. As a result, job candidates and clients desire to work with us and we offer them superior service in return, which includes providing the best possible work environment for individuals of all abilities. Robert Half will take the following steps for fair and accessible employment practices in each of the areas set-forth by the Accessibility Standard for Employment.
a. Recruitment
Robert Half is an equal opportunity employer. Hiring, promotion, transfer, compensation, benefits, discipline, termination and all other employment decisions are made without regard to race, colour, religion, creed, sex, age, disability, place of origin, national or ethnic origin, sexual orientation, marital or family status or any other Prohibited Ground outlined in the applicable Human Rights Legislation.
Because of our support of equal opportunity, discrimination or harassment on account of any Prohibited Ground will not be tolerated. The policy of RHC is that there be no unlawful discrimination, psychological harassment, or harassment of any type against any employee, temporary professional, candidate, client or contractor based on such individual’s membership in a protected group (e.g., age, nationality, disability, gender identity or expression, national or ethnic origin, race, colour, religion, sex (including pregnancy), sexual orientation, marital or family status, or any other protected group).
The Company will establish an Enterprise Recruitment and Human Resources Services Committee including representatives from departments responsible for the development and implementation of attracting talent through job advertisements, job descriptions, recruitment and selection, applicant testing, and employee retention. Together they will:
Identify barriers in recruiting to individuals of all abilities including items that may be difficult to convert to accessible format and create a plans for either refreshing materials or identify what type of support may be necessary to relay the information should a need arise
Partner with Enterprise Information Technology and current applicant tracking vendors to review current and future evaluation tools
Review current partnerships with marketplace sources for candidates and identify potential opportunities to broaden the Companies recruiting and outreach
Create training materials for recruiting teams and management to utilize addressing requirements on requesting accommodation needs of candidates and employees and how they can fulfill position requirements
Partner with the Corporate Human Recourses Department to identify additional onboarding needs to make the work environment, training, and job tasks accessible while maintaining confidentiality and preserving the dignity of all individuals regardless of abilities
b. Employee Accommodation
Whenever the Company becomes aware that an employee has a disability with respect to which accommodation is required by law, the Company will consider, together with the employee, whether accommodations can be made that will permit the employee to accomplish the essential functions of the job without causing undue hardship to the Company. Employees seeking accommodation have a duty to co-operate with the Company in the accommodation process including, but not limited to, providing timely supporting medical documentation and participating in independent medical examinations where necessary.
Robert Half will develop individual accommodation plans tailored to specific needs and accessibility to foster success. Plans will address the following:
Involvement of individual seeking accommodation
Assessment of accommodation needs
Discussion of approval or denial of accommodation request incorporating alternative resources and support
Individualized emergency safety plan where applicable
Review and updating of plan
Provide plan in accessible formats when requested
c. Employee Return to Work and Redeployment
Robert Half management will partner with individuals, the Corporate Human Resources Department, and applicable vendors to develop an individualized return to work plan for employees that are absent from work due to a disability and require disability-related accommodation in order to return to work. Plans will address the following:
Involvement of individual seeing accommodation
Assessment of accommodation needs
Coordination and facilitation of the return to work based on current need
Individualized emergency safety plan where applicable
Review and updating of plan as needed for duration of disability
Provide plan in accessible formats when requested
d. Performance Management and Career Development
Robert Half’s learning environment involves an ongoing process of interacting with other people as part of the continuous personal growth cycle of learning and improving. Robert Half encourages an environment of frequent, honest and constructive two-way discussions so that everyone has an opportunity to succeed. Ongoing performance conversations between managers and employees will take into account the accessibility needs of individuals with disabilities when completing the following:
Business goals and individual development goals or plans
Performance feedback or reviews
Discussions around career aspirations and new opportunities within Robert Half
Robert Half’s goal is to provide resources for individuals to do their job successfully. The Company provides a learning environment in which training is not just a series of events, but an ongoing process in which personal initiative is encouraged and people assume ownership of their lifelong learning. The Enterprise Recruitment and Human Resources Services Committee will collaborate with Robert Half’s Information Technology Organization to identify what types of support may be needed with current and future learning technologies.
When restructuring of the organization occurs in an area with individuals needing accommodation, the Company will consider the individual’s accommodation plan and accessibility needs for a successful redeployment.