1. Offer flexible work schedules
For many workers, flexible work schedules are no longer a nice-to-have; they are an expectation with an outsized impact on employee morale. More Canadian professionals (65%) cite flexible work schedules among their top three perks than any other accommodation, while 34% who aren’t seeking a new job don’t want to give up their current level of flexibility.
Fortunately for them, small businesses are more likely than their medium and large counterparts to offer flexible work schedules (97% versus 90% and 95%). This helps them not only attract and retain top-quality talent, but improve productivity and engagement, with 42% of workers saying they feel more engaged and productive when their employer offers flexible scheduling. Even a small adjustment in hours can make a commute smoother, a school pickup less rushed – and an employee happier.
5. Embrace your smallness
Many Canadian consumers are passionately loyal to small businesses. They value the personalized service, uniqueness and community roots these companies display. That intimacy should be reinforced as part of your company culture.
Your team members already know how to make a client’s day, whether it’s a prompt and tailored response to a service request or simply remembering the client’s first name when they interact. By making team morale a priority, you’ll make customer service a priority too.
If a customer is delighted, make sure all of your team members hear about it. Praise people when they accomplish something a bigger firm would struggle to handle. Instill pride in your staff by reminding them why a small business is a great place to work.
If you know how to manage small business employees in a way that helps them become more customer-centric, you’ll see many positive returns for your efforts, including a good business reputation, repeat business – and of course, improved employee morale.