1. Maintain a professional tone
Keeping things professional at work sounds like a no-brainer, but it can be tricky to monitor the performance of people who are your friends or close associates. Supervising friends or former peers is one of the most difficult parts of becoming a manager for the first time. Tasks like performance reviews and disciplinary action can be especially awkward.
Maintaining a professional tone while on the job includes not griping about policies, the workload or senior leadership — things you may have done in the past as a staff-level employee.
Also top among new manager tips is this recommendation: Don’t overshare details of your personal life. However, do remain on friendly terms with your colleagues and continue to socialize with them.
Be sure to treat all staff members fairly as well, so that you avoid the perception of having favorites. There will always be star players you turn to frequently, of course. But your job as a leader is to help everyone on your team feel valued and realize their potential.