The job interview is going as you’d hoped. You meet the required qualifications, you have a rapport with the interviewers, and those practice sessions you and a friend ran through helped you present smoothly and confidently. You have a real shot at landing this job.

Then you hear that awkward question: “What’s your expected salary?”

Many job candidates dread this question about salary requirements. There’s the worry that, if you lowball a figure, you’re leaving money on the table. But if you give a number that’s too high, you might price yourself out of consideration for the role. No matter where you are in your career, that’s a tough calculation.

The good news is, when discussing compensation expectations, there are strategies for giving figures that will be fair to you and within the employer’s budget. Timing, tact and research are all key to your success when discussing money with a potential employer.

Here’s what to do: