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    Tax Season for Accountants: 9 Survival Tips That Actually Work

    Salaries and Roles Salary and hiring trends Career Tips Career development Finance and accounting Article
    Is tax season stressful for accountants? That’s like asking if water is wet or if spreadsheets have columns. The evidence is clear: When tax season arrives, your desk vanishes under an avalanche of documents, and your dreams feature a surreal parade of forms and financial statements. But while the pressure may be intense, you don’t have to merely survive—you can actually come through this period stronger and more organized. Whether this year’s is your first or fifteenth tax season, the following nine tips will help keep you balanced and focused.

    1. Refocus with simple breaks

    Avoid burnout during tax season by incorporating micro-breaks into your day. Step away for a short walk or engage in a brief conversation with colleagues to reset your focus. If stepping away isn’t possible, shift your attention by resting your eyes, taking a series of deep breaths, or engaging in a quick mindfulness exercise to ease tension and recharge, even in small moments. 

    2. Go with the flow

    Adaptability is one of the invaluable soft skills accounting professionals should have, particularly in high-pressure situations. If priorities change and your manager asks you to move quickly from one project to another, it’s ultimately better to roll with the punches than to resist and fume about it. Curious about hiring and salary trends in public accounting? Explore the latest insights here.

    3. Ask for help when needed

    During tax season for accountants, even the most talented professionals can't handle everything alone. If you're pushing hard but still falling behind, speak up early. Look at your task list and identify what could be handled by someone else—whether that's delegating certain returns or requesting backup on complex cases. Most managers would rather redistribute work or bring in extra support now than deal with missed deadlines later. Remember: Asking for help isn't a sign of weakness; it's smart time management.

    4. Stay cool

    Even the most affable and well-mannered people can become flustered and temperamental when under stress. Don’t contribute to the tense atmosphere. Although it’s not always easy to display grace under fire during tax season, try to take criticism and perceived slights with a grain of salt. Think before speaking, and don’t let anyone else’s negative attitude drag you down.

    5. Use AI to save time

    You can use ChatGPT and similar artificial intelligence (AI) tools to debug spreadsheet formulas, draft basic email responses or create simple documentation templates. By automating these time-consuming tasks, you can add more value for your clients: Go beyond the "what" (e.g., numbers, deadlines, and forms) and offer the "why" and "how" to help clients make informed decisions and achieve their goals. Ideas include suggesting strategies to minimize tax liability, such as taking advantage of credits, deferring income, or accelerating deductions.

    6. When in doubt, seek clarity

    When an unexpected complex return or an urgent request with minimal details lands on your desk unexpectedly it’s crucial to pause and ask questions right away. Check your understanding of deadlines and other requirements before diving in. Your manager or client will appreciate this professional approach far more than having to correct assumptions that could have been avoided with a quick conversation. Ready to take your accounting skills to the next level? Discover the top finance and accounting jobs in demand and what skills can give you an edge over the competition.

    7. Take care of yourself

    Combat the stress and fatigue of tax season for accountants with proper sleep and regular exercise. Feed your body nutritious meals rather than grabbing snacks at your desk or working through lunch. In the age of remote and hybrid working, it's tempting to check emails at all hours or squeeze in "just one more return." But this constant connection leads to exhaustion and mistakes. Set clear boundaries between work and personal time by creating a shutdown ritual—close your laptop, turn off notifications and make time for activities that recharge you.

    8. Foster good team karma

    Building goodwill with colleagues is one of the most effective ways to generate mutual support. If a colleague is facing a fast-approaching deadline and has files piled to the ceiling, offer to help if you can. By lending a hand, you’ll make an ally who’ll likely return the favor when you’re in a pinch.

    9. Put fun on the agenda

    Last but not least, meetings and deadlines shouldn’t be the only items listed in your calendar. Schedule some fun, relaxing social events or a post-tax vacation so you have something to look forward to once the pace slows down. Focusing on the light at the end of the tunnel during tax season can make even the craziest of workdays seem less, well, taxing.